The upcoming Full Moon is already beginning to envelop the world with special energies, opening before us a Magical Door to the depths of our true selves and the subtle planes of existence.

This day is filled with magic and mystery, when intuition and inner perception are heightened, and everything around us is infused with extraordinary power. Use this time for magical rituals and divination to prepare not only physically but also spiritually for the celebration of the Autumn Equinox.

Reflect on the past period: let go of everything that no longer serves your growth and happiness. Make space for new beginnings, so you can embrace the next phase of your life renewed and full of energy for new achievements.

Pay attention to your dreams and signs. The Universe is especially active in communicating with us now, guiding and supporting us on our path. Write down important dreams or symbols that catch your attention throughout the day. They could hold the key to understanding your path, pointing to important decisions and changes in life.

This is a time of self-discovery and self-awareness, offering a symbolic bridge between the old and the new, an opportunity to reassess your values and desires, strengthen your connection to your essence, and prepare for the next stage of life.

May all doors open for you!

© Elena Shuwany