We are approaching the beginning of our Fox Path to harmonious relationships. Today, I want to lift the veil a bit and share one magical practice we do with the participants of the Fox Path. This practice is called the “Dance of Shakti.”

Why is it difficult for a woman to go without male attention? Because Shakti dances while Shiva watches her. The dance continues as long as there is the Gaze. If he stops looking, she either stops dancing or seeks the gaze of another. Only when she discovers her inner Man, her Animus, does a woman become independent of the external observer and can dance her Dance infinitely.

The number of women searching for a Man has recently approached a critical point. It’s almost every second woman. Women are searching for a man everywhere—on the internet, on the street, at work, in the store line. They search, yet find nothing. All because they are searching for Him in the wrong place.

Women seek the Man outside, but they should be looking for him within themselves. The truly happy woman is the one who has found her Inner Man. He reveals himself to her through new sensations and a new outlook on life.

Strength, decisiveness, the ability to make decisions with joy for growth—that is what the Inner Man represents. The Inner Man is the energy of creation. When a woman catches this wave within herself and feels the power of her potential, when she realizes that happiness is within her and stops expecting it from the outside, she becomes that Woman, the one every man dreams of.

And it doesn’t matter what color her eyes are or how long her legs are. The external man will happily reflect her Inner Man.


Let’s dance

Today, we will dance for our inner man. Close yourself in a room where no one will disturb you, allowing you to fully immerse in your dance. If you’re dancing during the day, close the curtains; if at night, turn off the lights and light two candles at opposite ends of your space. Stand between them on a straight line. The candles represent your two sides—masculine and feminine—and you are their union. You connect these two circles of light within yourself.

Play soft music, either your favorite or the one I’ve suggested below. Sit on the floor, tuck in your arms and legs, and press your head to your chest, as if you are a small seed. Now begin to sprout from this seed, let your stem stretch upward, your leaves unfold, and your bud gradually bloom. Have you ever seen a flower grow in time-lapse? That’s your dance. Open up, stretch upward, bloom, reach out your hands, make fluid movements with your body—do whatever feels right. Throughout, keep your gaze inward, following your inner sensations and expressing them outward through movement. As the movement continues, your gaze will naturally shift outward, and in this external world, you now dance for your man—for the reflection of your inner man, if you wish. Don’t focus on whether your movements are beautiful or correct—what matters is expressing your inner impulse.

It’s better to dance with your eyes closed, so you won’t fixate on beauty or precision. At the end of the dance, open your eyes and imagine Him before you—yourself—the reflection of your masculine self. This image doesn’t have to (and ideally shouldn’t) reflect a real man in your life but should represent the ideal that has formed in you throughout your life. You need to see him to continue working with him.

Absorb, surrender to the flow, and enjoy. Let the gaze of your man (whether external or internal) be only for you!

And if you’d like to join our Fox Path course, you can learn more about it through the link https://shuwany.com/en/2024/09/the-fox-path-to-harmonious-relationships-starting-september-20/