As we approach the Autumn Equinox—Mabon, a time when the elemental energies unite and interweave—it’s especially important to attune to the energy of the Moon.

Today’s Full Moon reflects this Lunar Power for us, remaining soft and flowing, yet at the heart of magic, it allows the currents to flow freely and smoothly, like water, overcoming obstacles and handling even the most difficult blockages.

It is the power of water that fills this time for us. So many feelings and emotions have been stirred up, perhaps overwhelming us with memories of the past or dreams of the future, anxieties and worries, longing for love or tears. The current energies barely remind us of the earthy influences of Mabon, making it seem as though the flow of power is about something else entirely. However, if we turn our focus to the themes of unconditional acceptance and gratitude that accompany this festival, we will find the water’s power naturally fits within it.

If these currents are plunging us deep into our inner experiences, into such sharp emotional sensitivity to everything around us, then it’s best not to shut yourself off from this influence or try to return to your usual way of being. Instead, use this flow and immerse yourself in the world of your feelings. Find the treasures there that will help you along your path—the strength to follow your needs, the strength to go with the flow rather than resist it, and the strength to explore your inner world rather than just focusing on external demands.

As this Full Moon approaches Mabon, it poses an important question—what within us is valuable and resourceful enough to help us move forward? What will you take with you on this long journey? What is your answer?

© Elena Shuwany