🌘 In the midst of today’s destructive energies, many enemies and ill-wishers have become more active. This includes negative magical influences, as seen in the energy field around us, and also in the ritual work I am currently conducting.

If you are facing a similar situation, I offer you powerful Gypsy rituals against enemies. They work quickly with a sharp and directed flow, acting like “emergency help” during negative attacks.


If you know who is wishing harm upon you and constantly causing trouble, such as leaving cursed objects or using other harmful methods, you can use the “Sword of Protection.”

For the ritual, take a small sharp knife, preferably a new one. If you don’t have a new knife, hold the blade over the flame of a candle for a few minutes. Stand at the entrance of your home (inside), and mentally place the image of your enemy in front of you. Place the knife as a boundary between you and the enemy. Hold it with your right hand, with the blade pointing left and the sharp edge facing the enemy’s image. Say:

“Just as the beast cannot cross the river, the sharp sword lies at your feet.
Steel is at your feet, you cannot step over it.”

Afterward, place the knife under the doorstep or stick it into the doorframe, preferably near the lock. This will serve as protection not only for you but for your home as well!


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Gypsy spells and rituals, despite their apparent simplicity, require special concentration, intonation, and attention to all the small details of the process. Therefore, before reciting the spell during the ritual, practice first to find the right rhythm and tone. You will feel when the words begin to ring like a metallic hum, and the spell gains a melodic flow and depth, while your head starts to spin in a trance-like state.

© Elena Shuwany