Based on the harvest of our past relationships with family and loved ones, we set our future goals. The perception of this world, once shaped by family examples, upbringing, and societal norms, seems to have drawn us a map of our path—one where other, different routes are simply not marked.

And we continue following this given map, unaware, without realizing that, in reality, there are many others, where we could take a shorter and more pleasant road. 🌄

Like blank spots on a map, so too are the blind zones in our perception of the world—they can only be opened and explored if we dare to step off the familiar path into the unknown, mastering new spaces for ourselves, step by step, and marking interesting paths and terrains on our own map.

🧭 By understanding how family beliefs influence us and identifying where your personal “I” conflicts with the communal “WE,” we can extract what’s truly important—what shapes us as individuals—and through this, establish new connections and relationships with those who share your worldview and perception, with whom you’ll feel more comfortable, safer, and more interested in wandering unknown paths, conquering new peaks.

Though we carry the ancestral energies of all previous generations, we are not obligated to blindly follow only their experiences. We can accept their strength, knowledge, and support, but also let go of what hinders us from following our own distinct path and forming our unique experience. 🌟

If we’ve worked productively with these beliefs on a mental and emotional level—at least distinguishing within ourselves what’s ours and what’s not, and identifying the patterns that hold us back—then it’s time to physically take steps and actions to part with them, keeping only what’s beneficial and essential for our further journey.

🏰 It’s important to understand that family beliefs were never originally meant to hinder us; on the contrary, they fit so well with our personality because they serve the functions of protection and support. This can be compared to a fence that guards our personal space: on one hand, it shields us from enemies, wild animals, and other dangers, but on the other hand, it prevents us from exploring the world around us, confining us to a familiar, safe space.

Thus, when we let go of these beliefs and tear down that fence, we must be prepared for the loss of the initial sense of safety that those beliefs provided us. Until we build our own foundations—ones we’ve already worked on through our years of life but may reject or fail to notice, as they could conflict with the long-established perceptions and behaviors passed down through generations. 🌈

Today, we begin the magical journey “Secret Paths” to strengthen the connection with our ancestry, uncover ancestral tasks for this life, and build your own foundations on your life’s path. Join us!


If you’re still wondering why you need this transformational game, here are some testimonials from past participants to help you decide:

It was captivating and interesting. Every day throughout the game, I eagerly awaited the next steps and tasks. I love this format—a blend of learning, consultation, support, and play. I was hooked! As for the issue I brought to the game: I received all the answers, more than enough, and learned things beyond what I had hoped. I gained insights about my path regarding my work with my ancestry and my role within it. I discovered many things that need to change in me, and how I should interact with my family and loved ones.

For me, this game came at just the right time! I had so many questions, doubts, and uncertainties. I received clear, definite answers to all the questions I brought to the game. Yes, those answers gave rise to even more questions, but those are the next questions, the next step, or perhaps several steps, down a new path! The most important thing I gained was the knowledge that my Ancestors stand behind me. I felt their immense power and wisdom, which took my breath away! To realize that I am a part of this—it’s an incredible feeling! To feel the love and care coming from deep within, and the mutual curiosity: mine, eager and childlike, and theirs—calm, attentive, and very kind. I approached every practice with curiosity and joy. In fact, that eager, childlike curiosity was one of the main emotions that guided me throughout the game. I have a huge desire to continue because this is a magical and very honest way of self-discovery, and I loved it. From the game, I will take away a new version of myself, my new path, my unity with my Ancestors, and a great desire to gain new knowledge! A vast expanse has opened before me, and I can’t resist it.

The game was another step forward, moving me toward my goal. I didn’t have specific expectations—after all, the road is the road; you just have to walk it, and whatever happens, happens—and it was awesome! It was interesting to observe how others progressed, how people realized how important their connection with their lineage is, and how it changed them—it became absolutely clear how vital this connection is: either you have strong roots and stand firmly on the ground, or you drift through life like tumbleweed, without roots to nourish and stabilize you. Since my connection with my lineage was already rock solid, most of my results were confirmations and realizations, with an unexpected gift at the end—a journey deep into my ancestral roots, under the family tree, where I was once too afraid to go. But this time, I was guided by the hand, and all the family treasures were revealed to me! It was great to have companions along the way. This helps you realize that there are other ways to see the world, other life experiences and perspectives, from which you can learn a lot for yourself. The practices were relatively easy to complete. I will definitely continue visiting the family tree and exploring beneath it! From the game, I take away the confidence that connecting with ancestors is normal and right, and everyone can do it—it’s not just me losing my mind! Although, at times, doubts did creep in! 😅

I am grateful for this incredible experience of discovery in the game “Secret Paths”. Special thanks to you, Elena, for your care and guidance along the winding paths of ancestral and karmic work. It’s hard to navigate this on your own and make sense of it all. Having a strong and wise guide is crucial. Every game with you is a unique journey full of gifts and revelations… and each time, it’s a new land of discoveries.

© Elena Shuwany