I uncovered the Tarot Cards (we picked a card in the last post).

Your personal Song of Spirit throughout the entire period from the Spring Equinox to Beltane is

🌷Card 1. Four of shells – Crane – Soul-searching and Re-evaluation

  • Message: Innovative at using new approaches to solve problems, Crane is here to help you renew your optimism, bringing clarity and insight. Crane will guide you in taking the time you need to renew your energy. When you embrace something that you feel passionate about, you’ll soon find yourself motivated into action. It’s up to you to choose to see opportunities that are right in front of you, and to act upon them. Rest and meditation will deliver a fresh mindset. Take this time to reflect and regroup, and re-direct your energy.

🌷Card 2. Two of feathers – Gecko – Decisions and Direction

  • Message: Peaceful Gecko is adept at moving between the worlds of the subconscious and the conscious. She taps into a balance of forces to clear the mind, bringing truth to light. She’s accustomed to facing fears, and is preparing herself to choose her next direction. Gecko reminds you that you have the power to unleash the energies needed to deliver a clear outcome. Speak your truth, and do not allow indecision to hold you back. Open your eyes so that you may see your options more clearly. Seek solutions from within, and have patience with yourself. There will be a knowing within your higher-consciousness when it is time to act.

🌷Card 3. Page of crystals – Fox – Ideas and Discipline

  • Message: Clever Fox is a master at problem solving. Grounded and focused, he emerges from the edge of the forest as your guide in working with your ambitions and ideas. His keen sense of observation is a powerful tool when it comes to dealing with everyday matters and setting events into motion. Fox will show you the way to transition to a pathway of accomplishment and take charge. You’ve been working hard; continue to use your resources wisely and remain enthusiastic about your passions. Opportunities to develop new ideas will manifest if you concentrate on your pursuits.

🌷Card 4. King of crystals – Tiger – Courage and Commitment

  • Message: A master of prosperity, everything Tiger touches turns to gold. He’s courageous and methodical in his approach to meet a goal, and leaps upon a solution when challenged with a problem. Tiger is a natural leader, and support others in their goals while consistently working toward meeting his own. He’s satisfied with his life, and enjoys his peaceful place of retreat whenever he needs to unwind. Tiger is your guide in making a commitment to a long-term goal, and reminds you that you can reap rewards just as he has done. Take pride in your achievements, and be on the lookout for great opportunities.

🌷Card 5. The magician – Raven – Willpower and Creation

  • Message: With her talent in bringing magic to a situation, Raven is your mentor in making the best use of your skills. She will help you shed fears so that you can unleash your full potential and personal power. Transforming ideas into reality, Raven knows that possibilities begin from nothing. Her spirit holds the fires of creativity that turn obstacles into productive expression. Let this be a reminder to reach onward into the infinite as you unleash beautiful energies. When you allow divine force to flow through you, your intensions toward making dreams come true will manifest through sheer will. You can make things happen, because you are the ruler of your reality.

🌷Card 6. The high priestess – Lynx – Intuition and Sacred knowledge

  • Message: The keeper of sacred knowledge, Lynx balances invisibly between the conscious and unconscious worlds. She knows that all that is hidden will one day be revealed, and that truth will eventually surface into consciousness. Her clairvoyance and divine wisdom encourage you to embark on your sacred inner journey. Look within and trust the calming rhythm of your intuition, for it will eventually open the doorway to knowledge that will help you recognize your spiritual power.

Blessed Ostara!
© Elena Shuwany