This week will be marked by several major events that will set the rhythm for the coming weeks. Both shifts are more favorable than negative, but as with any change, there may be some initial turbulence.
The active influence of the Full Moon, which is coinciding with a Lunar Eclipse, is guiding us into the Eclipse Corridor. However, we’ve likely felt its effects as early as last week. This week, though, the energies of abundance brought by the Harvest Festival of Mabon, which we celebrate on the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd, may help ease the intensity.
This is a time when significant paths open up, allowing you to utilize all the skills, talents, resources, and knowledge you have developed over time. It’s a moment to celebrate life, make your home cozy, and strengthen close bonds with your loved ones. Remember joyful moments from your childhood and youth, and cherish the simple moments amidst the busyness of life.
The energies of Mabon bring new discoveries and opportunities, like fruits that have reached the peak of their strength and ripeness. These discoveries must be gathered now, so they don’t lose their value or usefulness, and aren’t lost beneath the autumn rains.
This is why mindfulness is so important as we approach our “harvest,” to ensure that nothing is missed, and that you stay focused on your goals. Pay attention to what you need to let go of, so that your transition to the next level is smooth, without anything holding you back or slowing your progress into a new life. This week, be mindful in everything you do and pursue your goals with clarity and determination, without getting distracted by external obstacles.
The energies of this week are not just about personal joy but also about sharing that joy with those around you. Mabon draws special attention to your family and ancestral ties. Another key theme this week is restoring connections. Perhaps there are people with whom you’ve had disagreements or misunderstandings. Now is the perfect time to heal those relationships. Accept yourself and others, let go of old grudges, and allow them to fade away.
Yes, this week we may recall our past mistakes and losses. But it’s important to remember that the past is behind us, and we are only responsible for our “here and now.” By choosing to enjoy life rather than lamenting what is missing, by choosing happiness over fear and scarcity, you bring the energy of abundance into your family and the world around you.
Wishing you an excellent week! May your harvest be abundant, and your transformations favorable!
This week, on September 22nd, we will celebrate Mabon — the autumn festival of the Wheel of the Year, the middle of autumn, and the holiday of balance, which coincides with the Autumn Equinox.
This is a time of abundance, celebrating life and the gifts of the Earth, but Mabon is also a time for reflection and giving thanks. During these days, it’s important to carefully assess and decide which of the gathered fruits will be consumed soon, what will be stored for long-term, and what has spoiled and needs to be discarded. Therefore, during this holiday, it makes sense to reflect on all your tasks and goals, and decide what will stay in your active focus, what will be postponed, and what should be let go of.
To mark this powerful time, bid farewell to the past, and give thanks for all the good things we’ve received this year, I invite everyone to join in a collective Magical Ritual of Abundance. We will also create a protective amulet to ensure the coming year is prosperous and abundant.
For more information on participating in the ritual, follow the link
© Elena Shuwany
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