With the arrival of the Autumn Equinox, we feel Autumn more deeply, with its mysterious and strange pattern, interwoven with both joyful and melancholic notes, the reaping of the fruits of our year-long labor, and at the same time, bidding farewell to the blooming colors and sensations of spring and summer.
We look inward more often, and as a result, initiate more changes outward.
This is such a meaningful and magical holiday, a day of transition to new states, new visions, and the unveiling of the deepest parts of ourselves and the possibilities of the world around us.
The spirit of today is so special — bittersweet, tart, and spicy. It whirls around us, taking us on a journey with the autumn wind into the unknown. Beyond ourselves, beyond people, and beyond the entire world!
Happy holiday to all who feel and rejoice in this incredible time of true Autumn’s arrival!
Hugs and love, Elena Shuwany
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