Dreams accompany each of us throughout life. Although it is believed that we dream several times each night, sometimes it seems as though we’ve stopped dreaming altogether. Most likely, we simply don’t remember them in the morning.

One of the reasons for this forgetfulness is physiological. The brain can remember dreams if awakening occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. However, if we wake up in another phase, dreams may not be stored in memory. Still, it’s unlikely that for several consecutive days, we would always wake up in the “wrong” phase.

The second reason is psychological. Psychologists claim that tired and completely happy people dream less often. After a busy day, the brain may be too exhausted to generate dreams, allowing the body to fully rest. But if happiness reduces the number of dreams, why do carefree children and animals dream?

The third reason is mystical. If we consider dreams as reflections of astral journeys, their absence may be related to energy depletion or the blocking of memories from such journeys due to unwanted information received during them.

I believe that dreams are one of the key sources of important information from our subconscious. While sometimes they can be messages from above, this is quite rare. Therefore, the cessation or forgetting of dreams could be a warning sign of internal blocks preventing access to this information. Such blocks are usually related to our inner state and can be resolved through self-work.

Ultimately, understanding the nature of dreams and the reasons for their absence can help us gain deeper insight into our own consciousness and improve our connection with our inner world.

If you’ve been experiencing consistent dream forgetfulness, I’d like to suggest a few ways to avoid this in the next night’s sleep:

  1. Using Tarot Cards.
    The Moon card is ideal for this. Before sleep, you can meditate on this card. We have discussed meditation methods with Tarot before. The Moon is closely connected with subconscious images, our dreams, and the unconscious. Working with this card will help you restore your connection with your subconscious. It’s recommended to place the card under your pillow or on your bedside table with the image facing up after meditation.
  2. Aromatherapy.
    Certain scents can activate our memory and help establish contact not only with our subconscious but also with subtle worlds. Suitable essential oils for this include mint, lemon balm, lavender, rose, tea tree, juniper, and wormwood.
    Use these essential oils in an aroma lamp before sleep (follow instructions, usually no more than 3-4 drops) or simply put a couple of drops on your left wrist (if you’re not allergic). You can also use appropriate incense sticks or cones, though they have a heavier smell, which I wouldn’t recommend before sleep.
  3. Energy of Color and Fire.
    For this method, you’ll need a white, blue, or purple candle. White or blue is preferable, but other colors will work too. Light it at night in your room, but not near your bed, so you don’t accidentally knock it over and so the light doesn’t disturb your sleep. These energies will help you delve into your subconscious and open channels for receiving information.
  4. Crystal Magic.
    One of the most powerful crystals for conducting subtle energies is clear quartz. Since ancient times, quartz has been believed to grant its owner the gift of clairvoyance. Medieval alchemists claimed that this stone acts like the skin of the planet, perceiving signals from the cosmos and the astral world.
    You can place quartz under your pillow, or better yet, wear it on a cord and keep it on all the time, especially at night.
  5. Rune Magic.
    One of the most suitable runes for this is the Ansuz rune. Ansuz guides a person’s spiritual life and helps establish a connection with the gods. It’s a rune of communication, messages, inspiration, study, and learning. This relates to the spiritual realm, a path to the gods, and a journey inward for self-knowledge from a divine perspective. You can use it on its own or as part of a formula.
    For example, Ansuz-Jera-Mannaz — self-knowledge. A harmonious combination of enhancing mental processes and directing them in the right way. A harmonious thought process.
    Or, Ansuz-Dagaz-Wunjo. This speaks of a breakthrough in understanding and self-realization. Ansuz-Mannaz-Dagaz represents a breakthrough in self-knowledge.
    You can use the formula Ehwaz-Ansuz, though this is more for helping a magician in research. If you’re expecting dreams on this subject, it will suit you.
    My favorite formula is ALU. Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz. It means help from the gods, messages from above, and the opening of a flow. I use it not for dreams but for receiving signs and information, although it can also be applied to dreaming.
    To open the flow of dreams, you can write rune formulas on paper and place it under your pillow, or draw them on your left hand. You can also engrave them on the candle we discussed earlier.

All these methods can be used individually or together. You can also use other types of magic — knot magic (tying knots with this intention), plant magic (drinking teas with mint and bergamot), talisman magic (making a pouch with the same herbs, stones, and runes), and more.

© Elena Shuwany