Today, while still reflecting the transformative influence of entering the Eclipse Corridor, we are now enveloped in the warm energies of Mabon, resonating with a completely different, soft, and harmonizing melody. The Magical Door swings open in sync with this rhythm, offering us a unique opportunity to align our lives with harmony and well-being.

Today, don’t rush, but don’t hold back either. It’s important to find your unique rhythm and move in flow with the world. This is how you will be able to unlock your potential and achieve your goals.

🌿 Under the influence of this double energy, hidden processes, unconscious programs, and perceptions of self and the world that were previously unknown are surfacing, demanding to be seen, accepted, and understood. Pay attention to your hidden fears and desires that may be preventing this power and new opportunities from manifesting. Protect your feelings and desires in their truest form, as they are emerging now.

Finish what you’ve started, freeing up energy and space for new opportunities. To restore and strengthen your energy, it will be helpful to find time for rest in nature or with loved ones. Don’t forget to seek inspiration and strength in simple and pleasant things like dancing, yoga, or meditation.

🌷 The world moves to the beat of your heart, and all the music that now fills you from within flows into the world in streams of celebration of Life itself!

May all doors open for you!

© Elena Shuwany