This weekend is filled with the warm, abundant energies of the Autumn Equinox, gently wrapping us in a veil and immersing us in the celebration of the Second Harvest. The Magical Door opens these days through the power of magical flows and the first Mabon rituals.
With every action, every choice, and every thought you make now, you can open yourself to new opportunities and joys that await you ahead. This is a time when it’s important not just to dream but to act with intention, directing your efforts toward creating the best version of your life.
Prepare yourself for these changes. Take care of energetic cleansing for both yourself and your space—clear your home and your heart of everything that is holding you back from moving forward. Fill your environment with positive energies that will support you on your path to your dreams.
As you take important actions now, don’t just rely on mental or verbal formulations; reinforce them with corresponding magical rituals. It is very effective at this time to perform ritual processes, whether on your own or by seeking magical assistance and support from specialists.
Let magic into your life, and remember that magic is not only about spells and rituals but also about your inner state and readiness for change. Open yourself to the new, accept the offers of fate with an open heart and soul!
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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