On this October New Moon, when the emerging Moon gives us the energy to care for our loved ones, we will unite in a circle and ask for its protection for our children, anchoring this power in an amulet that we will weave ourselves, following the example of ancient mothers.

🤱 The children’s amulet “Guardian” that we will create during the Magical Ritual is a type of Romani protective doll that mothers used to weave for their children and place at the head of their bed at night to confuse evil spirits that came to harm the child in their sleep.

The dolls are tied following a specific method and replicate the child’s energy, acting as an energetic imprint of the child. Therefore, such an amulet also served another purpose – healing. With regular weaving of the amulet, the energy is balanced and organized. These dolls helped protect the child not only from evil spirits but also from the evil eye and curses, aligning the child’s energy, calming them, providing peaceful sleep at night, and balanced behavior during the day.

The amulet can be woven for very young children, to be given as a protective toy, or for older children, where it can be placed under their pillow or hung above the bed.

📩 Join us in our Magical Ritual and create a protective amulet for your child!

Organizational Details

The ritual will be held on October 2 at 8:00 PM GMT+2 (or check your time zone).

Submit your participation request in the comments to this post or via email at elena.shuwany@gmail.com (no later than one hour before the ritual).

For the ritual, you will need:

  • 1 white candle (preferably a small tea candle or uncolored beeswax),
  • Threads, cords, or ribbons in the 7 colors of the rainbow (purple can be substituted with white),
  • A small piece of worn clothing from your child (unwashed) — if you have more than one child, take a piece for each,
  • A sprig or leaf of an herb — wormwood, nettle, mint, or thyme (can be bought at a pharmacy).

Ritual cost:

The participation fee is €10 + SHARE on any blog or social network. ⬇⬇⬇

Without sharing, the cost is €15 ⬇⬇⬇

© Elena Shuwany