We are actively moving towards the exit from the Eclipse Corridor, and although its influence will gradually fade throughout October, the peak of its transformative energies is now behind us.

This week, it is important to make the transition and break free from its influence in the most productive way, closing the tasks it has presented. An emotionally intense period is ahead, like a river stream that, after breaking through obstacles, becomes full, strong, and conducive to active movement.

We may feel waves of emotions rising and falling, reflecting our inner experiences. The currents of this week may be intense, sometimes pulling us into the depths of our own feelings. However, like a river, this period also gives us the opportunity to rise to the surface, breathe in fresh air, and feel renewed with a new flow of energy.

🗝️ On this wave, there is an opportunity to transform yourself and free your true self from the shackles of outdated habits.

Exiting the Corridor opens the way to personal freedom and growth right now. To achieve this, carefully analyze and examine the roots of your inner beliefs. Recognize that many of them may no longer serve your best interests. Don’t hesitate to acknowledge behaviors that work against you and firmly say “no” to them. This is your right and your tool for gaining personal freedom.

Remember, the key to growth and development lies in conscious choices. Determine which habits and beliefs support your goals and values, and which have become distorted over time and now hinder you. Take control of your own growth and be persistent in creating your own story. New horizons and greater freedom await you, but first, you must release what holds you back.

🔄 It’s important to remember that life is a continuous movement, as well as a constant return to key points in this eternal cycle.

Every cycle of development has its significant moments, often associated with closing one chapter and preparing for the next. We often strive for constant movement and progress, but it’s important to pause, evaluate the results of past stages, and understand what comes next. This week’s currents call on us to pay attention to these key points, where we can acknowledge our achievements and milestones before embarking on the next turn of the wheel of life.

Learn to appreciate the cyclical nature of life, where each new turn brings fresh opportunities, experiences, and knowledge. It’s essential to find balance between moving forward and pausing, between the past and the future, to act in harmony with the nature of this eternal wheel.

And even if you carry painful experiences or terrible events from the past, here and now, you can look at them and say:

Though it hurt and scared me, I survived, I made it through, and I can and will move forward, letting go of everything that was in the past. I thank it and release it!

💞 The theme of partnership and relationships—romantic, friendly, and business—remains relevant.

This week offers us the chance to openly express our feelings, reveal hidden aspects of ourselves, and begin pursuing long-held desires and ambitions that, for various reasons, have remained hidden.

Now is the perfect time to candidly share your thoughts, feelings, and ambitions with those closest to you. There will be an opportunity to start new relationships or strengthen trust in existing ones by diving deeper into their essence.

And remember, sometimes we need to untie knots within ourselves and in our relationships to unlock our true potential. This may require courage, but the results can be extraordinary. Dare to step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself and your loved ones to explore new horizons in relationships!

Wishing you a great week! May your transformations be productive, and may you have a smooth exit from the Eclipse Corridor!


This October New Moon, when the emerging Moon gifts us with the energy of caring for our loved ones, we will come together in a circle and ask her for protection for our children, solidifying this power in a talisman we will weave ourselves, following the example of ancient mothers.

The Children’s Talisman “Guardian” that we will create together during the Magical Ritual is a type of Gypsy protective doll that mothers used to weave for their children and place by their beds at night to confuse evil spirits who came to harm them in their sleep.

🤱 These dolls are crafted following a specific principle and mirror the child’s energy, serving as an energetic imprint of the child. Therefore, such a talisman also had a healing purpose—by systematically weaving the talisman, the child’s energy would be balanced and aligned. Thus, these dolls helped protect the child not only from evil spirits but also from the evil eye and curses, smoothing out their energy, calming them, and bringing peaceful sleep at night and balanced behavior during the day.

Join us for our Magical Ritual and create a protective talisman for your child:

© Elena Shuwany