The transformations happening during the Eclipse Corridor are actively affecting the realm of relationships, both deeply personal and social or business connections. During this period, hidden, long-standing communication and interaction issues may surface, bringing attention to the quality of your contact with certain people.

✔ If you haven’t yet made the decision to either move forward with these people or leave them in the past, change the dynamics of your interaction, distance yourself, or draw them closer—now is the time.

This period is focused on forming a close circle of people—those who truly matter, with whom you want to continue your life journey, and who are ready to share in your joys and sorrows, not just “feed off” you without contributing to your life in return.

To work on your relationships with others:

🔸 Divide a sheet of paper into several vertical columns, each representing a level of interaction, for example: loved ones, inner circle, friends, acquaintances, strangers. You can name them however you like, as long as the levels of closeness are clear to you.

🔸 In each column, list the people you interact with. This helps you visualize and make sure you don’t forget anyone.

🔸 For each person, recall if any issues or challenges have arisen in your relationship recently. These might not have been external conflicts, but internal feelings—both pleasant and painful.

🔸 After this analysis, some people might be moved from one column to another—becoming closer or, conversely, more distant.

🔸 The most important step—consider how this change in closeness will manifest in your real-life interactions. For example, will you stop sharing your feelings with them, meet less often, or perhaps not at all? Or, on the contrary, will you invite them over more frequently for tea or engage in other personal or work-related activities together? Put these changes into practice!

© Elena Shuwany