If someone is harming you, sabotaging your efforts, slandering, or spreading rumors, perform this ritual for protection against enemies.

The ritual is performed once using a black candle after sunset. If you don’t have a black candle, you can use a regular white one and wrap its base three times with black thread.

Light the candle and recite the spell:

“The light will shine and dispel the darkness,
Tear the veil from my enemy.
They will stand before Judgment.
Goddess as my shield, God as my weapon.
Let terror fill the enemy’s heart,
Their thoughts frozen with ice,
Their blood spilled upon the altar,
So that the world forgets them.
May their tongue wither,
Their hands and feet be bound,
So they cannot take a step
Or seize anything of mine.
Heart, tongue, mind.
Door, key, lock.
Goddess as my shield,
God as my weapon.”

Let the candle burn out completely. Do not touch the candle remains with bare hands—bury them in the ground or dispose of them in the trash (outside your home, not indoors).


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Gypsy spells and rituals, despite their apparent simplicity, require special concentration, intonation, and attention to all the small details of the process. Therefore, before reciting the spell during the ritual, practice first to find the right rhythm and tone. You will feel when the words begin to ring like a metallic hum, and the spell gains a melodic flow and depth, while your head starts to spin in a trance-like state.

© Elena Shuwany