🌟🌓🌞 Day and night. Darkness and light. Yin and Yang. Our world is a magical unity where each of us carries a unique blend of masculine and feminine energy. This balance is the key to true harmony and success in life and relationships.

Eastern philosophical teachings speak of the power of Yin (feminine/passive) and Yang (masculine/active) as the driving forces of the universe. Carl Jung, the great Western psychologist, showed that within us there is the anima (feminine part of the psyche) and the animus (masculine part), and that their integration is the path to an inexhaustible source of power.

The masculine aspect within every woman is strength, direction, and the source of movement. It defines our relationships with the outside world and the opposite sex, our realization, and success. Our knowledge of it is vast, but we don’t always know how to acknowledge it. Imbalance between the masculine and feminine aspects can seriously harm our mental and physical health, as well as our energy.

In the Fox Path “To Harmonious Relationships,” I offer you a unique experience of restoring the balance between masculine and feminine energy through interaction with the four elements and three levels of harmony: physical, mental, and energetic.

How this will help you in relationships with men:

Better understanding of yourself: You will recognize and accept your masculine aspect, which will help you better understand your desires and needs.

Confidence: Interaction with your inner man will give you confidence, which will reflect in your interactions with men in real life and attract the man you desire into your life.

Improved communication: Harmonized masculine and feminine energies will help you establish more effective communication and understanding in relationships.

Discover your inner world and balance your energies. The Fox Path is a guiding star that will lead you to inner harmony and successful relationships with men and the outside world. Gift yourself this unique transformational experience!


What to expect on the Fox Path:

Personal Tarot reading on relationships: I will tell you what energies surround you and how to use them to your advantage.

Energetic and psychological practices: I will help you find balance and harmony within yourself.

Creation of a magical mandala: Together, we will create an enchanting mandala that will illuminate your path and bring harmony to your relationships after the Fox Path journey.

🌟🃏 Embark on a magical journey accompanied by the stunning Shadowscapes Tarot cards. Here, you will discover not only magical worlds but also majestic kitsune, mesmerizing with their beauty, and powerful golden dragons, bringing strength and grandeur. Welcome to a wondrous journey where reality intertwines with fantasy!


Organizational details:

Course time and location: We will embark on a 10-week journey starting September 20. During the Fox Path, recordings will be posted 3 times a week. You can complete the tasks at any time convenient for you. Not every recording will contain questions or assignments; some will explore the theme of the path, with recommendations and practices to support the main process.

Note: Individual course participation is available outside of the specified dates.

To apply for participation, send your application to elena.shuwany@gmail.com. Please attach your name, photo, and date of birth (for the reading).

Course payment: The participation fee is € 350.

© Elena Shuwany