If something is troubling you, pulling at your soul, causing pain inside, not letting go, or if you’re unsure of how to move forward, where to go, and your thoughts and vision are clouded with confusion, you can recite the fire spell “For Calm.”
Place a burning candle in front of you, dissolve into its flame, merge mentally with the fire, think of nothing, mentally release all your worries, and recite the following spell:
Power of fire, enter me, dissolve within me.
Show me the way, gift me light.
Grant me the strength to accept everything as it is!
Recite this at least 7 times, or more if needed, until you feel calm and your anxiety releases you.

This spell also works very well before working with Tarot or rituals, as it relaxes you while also providing strength and promotes proper concentration before your work.
© Elena Shuwany
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