Your inner fire is a force that may sometimes feel confined, as if locked in a cage. But remember, it’s not a “straitjacket,” it’s simply a door that needs to be opened. If you stop banging against the glass, stop fixating on your anxieties and expectations, and just take a breath, you’ll easily see that the door opens towards you.

We all experience times when it feels like our actions are suppressed, and opportunities seem limited. We feel unprepared, inadequate, or not up to the task. This is normal. It’s part of our journey.

🌿 Don’t let these feelings weigh you down. Instead, try looking at the situation from a different perspective. Maybe, rather than fighting your inner tension, you can accept it as a challenge. Think of it as a new path opening before you.

Don’t strive to be like everyone else. Your uniqueness and personal style are your strength. Try to see the situation with a light heart, as a game. A game may have its rules, but you can change them or even create your own!

🌷 So, don’t limit yourself! Open that door and step through with confidence and determination. You possess immense potential, and the world is waiting for you to unlock it. All you need to do is believe in yourself and start moving forward, even if the rules of the game are shifting. You are the author of your own story, and it can be exciting and inspiring!

May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany