The day before the New Moon. The day before the Solar Eclipse and the exit from the Eclipse Corridor. Today, it may feel like we are walking through a dark gorge, as if there are no visible paths forward. But “the night is darkest before the dawn”—and in such moments, it’s important to remember that every small step brings us closer to the light.
When external forces and circumstances place numerous blocks and obstacles in your way, overcoming them can be a challenge, but this is your path to healing and rebirth. This is your moment of reconnecting with your true self. Start by acknowledging your need for healing. This is the first and most important step.
Healing from deep wounds can be a long process and requires patience, self-compassion, and time to understand, accept, and heal your scars. But each step, each effort you make, brings you closer to that goal. Believe that you have the strength to overcome external barriers, and in the end, you will achieve true freedom and healing.
Keep moving forward, even when the path seems difficult. Don’t forget that you have loved ones ready to support you on this journey. From time to time, we all need help and understanding from those around us. Be open to receiving this support and offer it to others in need, as overcoming challenges is always easier together.
Don’t stop at obstacles, keep going, take sincere care of yourself, and remember that your strength is far greater than you can imagine.
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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