For tomorrow’s New Moon and the exit from the Eclipse Corridor, I’m drawing 6 cards from the Deviant Moon Tarot for you. The card you choose will assist you in your processes during the upcoming lunar month, offering guidance and support along your path.

To receive your personal message, simply choose one card and comment with its number below ⬇

I will post the interpretation of all the cards in a separate post tomorrow.


The main theme of this Eclipse Corridor has been the exploration of family and interpersonal connections. And while tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse marks our exit from the Corridor, its energies will continue to influence us up until Samhain.

These energies open secret paths for us, allowing us to journey toward the hidden revelation deep within the worlds. These paths lead to the very roots, to the original source that nourishes us with strength and knowledge.

🌿 On October 5th, I will begin the mystical game “Secret Paths” to help you work through this task of strengthening your ancestral connection and uncovering the ancestral challenges and lessons for this life.

Join us and shed light on your inner mysteries, strengthen your roots, and restore your connection with your lineage. Open the doors to the wisdom and power of your own ancestral bond ⬇️

© Elena Shuwany