The year is coming to an end, and it’s time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. The Wheel of Fortune turns, offering us the chance to make new wishes, realize fresh plans, and start a new chapter in life.
This 13-position spread will help you plan the year ahead, reveal trends in various areas of your life, provide insights into wish fulfillment, and highlight the main tasks and outcomes for the coming year.
The spread includes a detailed forecast for each area of your life, covering the entire year and each three-month period.

Card Positions in the Spread (several cards are drawn for each area):
- What to leave behind in the past year
- What to carry into the new year
- Talents and abilities to develop in the upcoming year
- Emotional state and personal life (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- Financial situation and material state (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- Relationships and social interactions (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- Career and work (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- Health (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- Minor obstacles and challenges to overcome during the year (general and for each three-month period of the year)
- The biggest risk in the upcoming year—what to avoid and be cautious of
- Plans that are destined to come true in the upcoming year
- The revelation of the year
- The spiritual lesson and outcome of the year
To order your reading, send your name and photo to
The cost is €120.
© Elena Shuwany
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