Symbols and signs surround us everywhere, though we often use them without thinking about their origins or just how ancient or magical they might be.
Just as with superstitions or certain actions, we absorb the use of symbols almost from birth, within our family, cultural, and social circles. Many symbols can be magical, from a simple circle to ancient alphabets.
In the course on amulet magic, “Runic and Symbolic Amulets,” we will explore several types of magical alphabets, which you can use to create your own amulets and talismans in your rituals. You’ll learn how to read, interpret, and inscribe them onto yourself or objects properly.
Many symbols used in magic originate from ancient scripts of various cultures. There are two main reasons why these ancient alphabets and symbols hold power.
The first reason is that most ancient languages were primarily used to pass on knowledge to future generations. Each word and letter in an ancient language often contains much more meaning than words in modern languages: knowledge about the world and its laws, captured in images, as well as insights into how to live by and use these laws. Ancient Egyptian and Chinese hieroglyphs or runic alphabets are good examples, where each symbol held multiple meanings and, combined with other signs, could convey entirely different interpretations.
The second reason is their age. Behind each symbol lies a powerful ancestral channel, enriched by thousands of ancestors who contributed to and passed down knowledge to future generations. When we work with even a modified form of ancient knowledge, in addition to our own energy, we tap into this powerful ancestral channel. This is why every symbol requires careful study and understanding. Generations of accumulated meanings can work differently, not only when symbols are combined but also depending on the person using them and the intent behind their use. We will also cover safety techniques for working with symbols in greater detail in one of our course sessions.
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© Elena Shuwany
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