🧚‍♀️Today, I’d like to share a practice we use in the program “Face to Face with the Shadow” to help release fears. This practice is called “Shadow Breathing.”

Lying on a firm surface, begin breathing deeply and quickly, feeling areas of tension within you connected to your fear.

Gradually slow your breathing, imagining that with each breath, you’re exhaling your fear. Let each breath become softer, slower, relaxing the tense areas of fear, until it becomes barely noticeable. Slow your breathing as much as possible, making each breath further apart.

Now recall how you breathe when falling asleep or just waking up. It’s usually a gentle, slow, almost invisible breath. Breathe with this sleepy rhythm, and imagine you’re dreaming. In this dream, the fear within you is gradually dissolving, releasing its tension with each breath, while within you, your desire begins to blossom. It blooms because you should feel the sensations of this desire as though it has already come true.

🦋As happiness and joy fill you, stand up and look at yourself in the mirror. Now, answer this question: What do you need to feel fearless, to experience the full joy and richness of life?

The program starts on November 7. If you’d like to join, details are available at the link ⬇️⬇️⬇️

© Elena Shuwany