As the New Year approaches, it’s a tradition to make wishes—whether by tossing notes into a glass of champagne, hanging them on the tree, or sharing them with a stranger at a crossroads. There are countless ways to make a wish and wonder if it will come true in the upcoming year!
The year often surprises us by fulfilling the most unexpected or unconscious desires. To uncover which wishes will come true in the New Year, the “12 Wishes” annual spread is here to guide you.
There’s no need to specify your wishes for this spread—the Tarot will reveal them.

Card Positions in the Spread:
Horizontally, the cards indicate the sphere of influence for each wish:
- Cards 1, 2, 3, 4: Personal life and matters relating to the individual
- Cards 5, 6, 7, 8: Social life and interactions with others
- Cards 9, 10, 11, 12: Financial and career-related matters
Vertically, the cards indicate the time frame for the wish’s fulfillment:
- Cards 1, 5, 9: From Yule (December 20) to Ostara (March 20)
- Cards 2, 6, 10: From Ostara (March 20) to Litha (June 20)
- Cards 3, 7, 11: From Litha (June 20) to Mabon (September 20)
- Cards 4, 8, 12: From Mabon (September 20) to Yule (December 20)
For example, the card in position 1 will reveal which personal wish will come true between December 20 and March 20, while the card in position 12 will show which financial wish will manifest between September 20 and December 20.
To order your reading, send your name and photo to
The cost is €80.
© Elena Shuwany
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