Today, the Magical Door opens through your inner source of strength and balance.

This source is your personal wellspring of energy, nourishing and supporting you even in the toughest times. As we journey toward Yule, now is the perfect time to assess the clarity and vitality of this source.

🌟 Like a pristine mountain lake, your life force possesses unparalleled beauty and purity. But if your source is clouded, polluted, or neglected, your life may become poisoned as well. Toxic relationships, emotions, reactions, thoughts, and external negativity can taint the joy of your existence.

When you cherish and care for this source of strength, keeping its streams clean and vibrant, you create harmony and balance in your life. Challenges may lie ahead, but with this inner magic, you’ll always have the power to overcome any hardship.

🎉 Reflecting on the treasures of your soul, find what is most important and valuable to you. Hold onto it, nurturing its integrity and wholeness. Let it guide your journey, and this precious light will fuel your strength, giving you the energy to grow and thrive.

Your dreams and desires will become reality when you prioritize your inner harmony!

May all doors open for you!

© Elena Shuwany