On the last day of Yule, we celebrate the Day of Words — a time when every thought, every word, and every promise or oath carries special weight. This day symbolizes the power of words and thoughts, reminding us of their ability to shape our future.
And the Magical Door on the first day of the new year (as well as New Year’s Eve) opens through the manifestation of your intentions and desires into the world.
Reflect on what you would like to bring to life in the coming year. Formulate your wishes and goals in a way that truly aligns with your essence and deepest aspirations. Speak them aloud as a declaration to the Universe, write them down, or share them with loved ones. The words and thoughts you express today will begin to take root and flourish throughout the year.
Make promises to yourself — about renewal, about the things you plan to do, change, or achieve. Do so with a sense of responsibility and awareness. Promises made today carry extraordinary power and significance, so be honest with yourself and deliberate in your choices.
This day is also a wonderful opportunity to express your wishes to others. Words of support, love, and gratitude will not only strengthen your relationships but also bring joy and light to your life and the lives of those around you.
Remember that today sets the foundation for the entire year. Today, we determine the direction we wish to take and make the first steps toward realizing it.
Ahead lies a new year, new opportunities, and new paths. Approach this day with care for the future. Let every word and thought be a guiding light on your journey toward happiness, success, and harmony!
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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