As the holidays draw near, with all their excitement and bustle, the Magical Door this weekend opens through love and attention to yourself, inviting you to preserve your energy and inner glow for a joyful celebration of the New Year.
In our quest to create the perfect atmosphere for friends and family, we often forget that our own energy and mood are the foundation of comfort and happiness. After the whirlwind of the past week, now is the time (and even the necessity) to sit down and relax. Don’t let the pre-holiday rush drain you. If you continue to move at full speed, you risk exhausting yourself and missing out on something truly special. So, take care of yourself and exhale!
Make this anticipation period special for yourself too.
Think about what could become your personal holiday ritual. Perhaps it’s buying a new outfit or accessory to feel especially beautiful and confident. Take time to create your festive look—hairstyle and manicure, which will not only transform your appearance but also give you that festive feeling. Allow yourself moments of solitude and relaxation, whether it’s an evening with a book, a hot bath, or a peaceful hour in your favorite café.
Meanwhile, the world around you doesn’t stop. While you’re resting and recharging, delightful surprises and exciting news might come your way. There’s no need to rush; important messages will find you. Fascinating opportunities, people, and situations may appear on your doorstep. This could be a long-awaited delivery or a significant message from your boss—anything is possible. If someone hasn’t been in touch for a while, today might be the day they reach out.
You may see movement in a situation that seemed to have reached a dead end, awaken new interests and enthusiasm, or gain a fresh perspective on things. And all this in an entirely unexpected and pleasant way, free from any complications.
Recharge your energy so that stepping into the New Year becomes a truly magical moment for you—full of beauty, confidence, and vibrant inspiration!
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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