In Gypsy magic, working with the Moon is of great importance, and many spells and rituals are based on appeals to the Moon-Gaena, using lunar energy flows for their processes. For the new lunar month, I present to you my Lunar Story.
My conversation with the Moon will allow you to hear ancient stories from Gypsy shuwanis and introduce you to the trends of the upcoming lunar month. Listen carefully, feel deeply… the Moon is speaking to you.
The winter forest, wrapped in silence, seemed gloomy and a bit intimidating. Occasionally, a branch would crack or a tree would creak, lightly touched by the wind – and then silence again. Shuwany shivered, pulling her cloak tighter against the freezing winter night, as the Moon appeared between the branches in the dark sky.
“Hello!” greeted the Moon, flooding the clearing with its silvery light.
“Hello!” Shuwany replied joyfully. “Everything feels much better with your arrival!”
“But the night is the same, and the forest hasn’t changed,” said the Moon.
“And yet, it feels much better!”
“Well,” said the Moon, “the story I have for you today is a little about that,” and it began its tale…
Once, there lived two wise men. One day, they met and talked at length about the nature of things, life, and Truth. Though both were knowledgeable, well-read, and full of wisdom, they realized their understanding of Truth was vague. They decided to dedicate themselves to its pursuit and agreed to meet at the same place in a year to share what they had discovered.
The first sage became a hermit for this purpose. He retreated to the mountains, to a desolate wilderness where no one could disturb his meditations. Settling in a cave, he tilled a meager plot of land nearby to provide for himself. Every day was a struggle for survival. Hours were spent gathering firewood, tending his stony, barren garden, and protecting himself from wild animals, hunger, and cold. Yet, the sage remained steadfast in his goal, pondering daily to understand the nature of Truth.
The second sage, after their conversation, returned home. His house, while modest, was comfortable and reliable. It was warm, with a soft bed where he slept soundly, and each morning birdsong flowed in through the windows from the surrounding garden. He tended his garden, worked in the fields and vineyard, and helped neighbors who came to him seeking advice or aid. He never declined invitations to celebrations. Amidst all these tasks and joys, he also pondered Truth, striving to understand it.
Days flew by, a year passed, and on the appointed day, the two sages met again.
The first said:
“Truth is that life is a harsh toil, full of hardship and suffering.”
“Truth is that life is filled with joy, beauty, and light,” countered the second.
The two argued for a long time but failed to understand one another. They left, each convinced the other was a fool.
“But both were right in their own way!” exclaimed Shuwany.
“Indeed,” the Moon smiled. “If someone believes the Truth is that life is difficult and bitter – they are right. And if they believe the Truth is that life is beautiful and joyful – they are also right! It’s up to each individual to decide what Truth will be for them and what their life will become.”
Lunar Spread
Order your individual “Lunar Story” spread to discover the flow of lunar energies for the upcoming month, personally tailored to you.
With the “Lunar Story” spread, you’ll be able to glimpse your personal lunar narrative and see which events and energy flows will influence you. The spread will help reveal your personal tasks and goals awaiting you at this stage of your life, as well as identify the development trends that will best support you in achieving them.
Don’t miss this chance to prepare for the future and make your lunar month more successful and mindful!

Card positions in the spread:
- The current flow — the main process of the period.
- The second flow — values.
- The third flow — events.
- The fourth flow — consciousness and unconsciousness.
- The fifth flow — emotions.
- The sixth flow — strengths.
- The seventh flow — here and now.
To book a reading, please send your name and date of birth to
Spread cost: €10.
You can receive a personal “Lunar Story” spread as a GIFT when ordering Cleansing Ritual in January
Wishing you a magical lunar month!
Yours, Elena Shuwany
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