This week we enter the magical time of Yule, celebrating the Winter Solstice on December 21 at 09:20 (UTC-0).
This period is not only filled with wonder and magic but also lays the foundation for the year ahead.
It is a time to clear the path to your goals, release debts to the past, and fill your space with goodness and light.
It is a time to open the doors to the future, filling it with your deepest wishes and hopes, like a balance point between what has been and what is yet to come.
🌝 The week begins with the closing energies of the Full Moon, which illuminate forgotten or puzzling situations. If there’s a lingering question that’s been troubling you, the gift from the universe will be clarity and insights, allowing you to decide how to begin writing on the blank page of your new life.
Peace may be hard to come by with such an active Full Moon, but it’s better to leave behind tensions and unnecessary burdens now than to keep revisiting them after the holidays. Don’t ignore the messages the universe presents to you, wrapped in festive paper with confetti—it’s time to embrace them.
🏠 As you close these unresolved chapters from the past, it’s important to take control of the emerging future. Be the caretaker of your new beginnings, breathing faith and determination into them.
Like a seasoned farmer tending to future crops, we must nurture our plans and dreams. To make the coming year fruitful, it’s crucial to allocate resources wisely, ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones, strategize carefully, and take responsibility for the decisions you make.
This isn’t just about controlling external circumstances; it’s about mastering your emotions, impulses, and the flow of inner energy and intentions.
🌹 Inner transformations spark changes in your external world, including your interactions with society, those around you, and even energetic connections (egregores).
It’s an ideal time to focus on how you present yourself to the world. Find new ways to express your evolving self and gain the courage to make external changes that align with your internal transformation.
As the Sun God is reborn during these days, so too must we be ready to step through the new doors opening wide for us. Let go of anxieties and worries, and concentrate fully on this transition, brimming with fresh opportunities, strength, and resources.
🎀 This week’s energies encourage action—bringing your desires and dreams into the external world.
Looking ahead to the new year, we weave the patterns of our lives, connecting scattered fragments into a unified whole.
If daily routines are keeping you from fully embracing Yule’s energy, take a moment to align yourself with the world. Lights—whether candles or festive bulbs—can guide us toward the future, illuminating our path both in the days leading up to the celebration and throughout the Yule season.
Listen closely to the creak of the Wheel turning. We hear it during every holiday throughout the year, but today its sound is especially resonant. Imagine a great Wheel adorned with bells and ribbons. Hear the jingling of the bells, the creak of the Wheel itself, and the soft crunch of snow in its spokes.
The Yule turn is not just a shift into a new season but a transition into an entirely new year—the year ahead.
© Elena Shuwany
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