Hair has long been considered a vessel of our strength and energy. In many cultures, both women and men kept their hair long—not just for beauty, but to retain their vitality and power. Cutting one’s hair often symbolized a loss of strength.

In magic, hair is frequently used. Sometimes it represents the subject of the ritual (“take a hair, nail, or drop of blood from a person…”—a common instruction), and sometimes it symbolizes personal strength.

🧶 Today, I’ll share a simple method to protect your loved ones using your own hair.

To create this protection, weave your hair into a handmade item—an embroidery piece, a garment (such as a sweater or scarf), or a crocheted toy for children.

I created such a protection charm for my eldest child when he was little. He had a favorite toy—a small dog—and I knitted a little outfit for it. While knitting, I wove in my hair with a protective incantation. He slept well with it for years and once even shared a dream where a dark shadow attacked him at night, but the little dog protected him from harm.

If you don’t have crafting skills and cannot knit or embroider, take several threads and braid them together, weaving in your hair as you go.

🧵 Instructions for Weaving Hair into Handmade Items:
Weave your hair into any part of your craft. As you do so, recite the following words along the length of the hair:

“My hair is my strength,
My strength is my protection,
My protection is for my family (husband, child—insert as needed),
My family is under my guard.
My hair protects, preserves,
Protects, watches over.
My hair is my strength,
My strength is created by my hands,
My hands create and avert misfortune.”

Your strength, encapsulated in your hair, will transfer into the handmade item. This will imbue it with your energy (as any handcrafted item naturally holds) and your protection (through the incantation and the hair).

🤱 Practical Applications:

  • For children, you can sew embroidered pieces into their clothing or create a small crocheted toy or keychain.
  • For other family members, attach the embroidery to the inner lining of their clothing or knit a protective sweater or scarf infused with this energy.

Craft with purpose, channel your magic, and protect your loved ones!

© Elena Shuwany