This week, illuminated by the energy of Imbolc, a pivotal point of the Wheel of the Year, brings active processes of rebirth and renewal into our lives. The Earth and Sky awaken, preparing for spring and filling us with revitalizing energy and a thirst for transformation.

At the start of the week, we will experience a New Moon and the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Thanks to its proximity to Imbolc, this New Moon’s energy is soft and luminous. This connection between two magical events provides a unique opportunity to rewrite harmful internal programs that conflict with an abundant life and let go of negative experiences that have hindered your progress.

🌙 During the New Moon, traumas inflicted by others, such as bullying in school, difficulties in productive communication, or the aftermath of criticism from those who once idolized you, may effortlessly fall away like husks from seeds.

A vital theme this week is fostering a sense of unity and harmony within yourself and in alignment with external energy flows. By radiating this strength into the world, you become part of the grand current of life. Trust—both in the processes unfolding within and in your connection with the external world—is key. Trust allows you to perceive this new world as natural, preventing you from slipping back into old systems and helping you stay on a higher spiral of being.

🌱 This week marks the emergence of the first sprouts of your desires, showing initial results and bringing fresh blossoming into your life. While the seed of your desires is planted, it requires time to soak up the nutrients of your hope and push forth its first shoot. Though the seed is brimming with energy and ready to emerge, enduring time beneath the soil, tempered by patience and perseverance, ensures it grows strong and resilient. No cold wind will topple this vital sprout.

Like the first spring streams overcoming obstacles, your life is infused with a force and motion leading to renewal. If the week’s processes sweep you up in a turbulent current, immersing you in deep emotional experiences and heightened sensitivity to everything around you, don’t try to resist or retreat to your usual existence. Instead, embrace the flow. Dive into your feelings and discover treasures within that will guide you on your journey.

❄️ Pay close attention to what—or who—you rely on during times of uncertainty and challenges. It could be close friends, personal beliefs, or inner resources. Recognizing these supports provides strength and confidence, helping you overcome obstacles. Your ability to identify and acknowledge these supports will make you stronger and more steadfast as you navigate change.

Now is the perfect time to express your emotions, reveal hidden aspects of yourself, and begin pursuing long-held desires and aspirations that have been waiting for their moment. Leave past grievances and misunderstandings behind. If someone is truly part of your life and you want to move forward together, an honest conversation will prove immensely beneficial. Discuss goals, methods, directions, worldviews, and mutual understanding. Openly share your desires and aspirations so that others can align with and understand them.

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On the eve of Imbolc, pay attention to your physical well-being: enjoy nourishing meals, release residual tension through any available methods, and get plenty of rest so you can welcome the celebration feeling vibrant and full of energy.

This is a wonderful time for divinations about future children or happiness in family life. You can conduct rituals to attract a partner or improve women’s health to prepare for motherhood. Or, you can participate in the collective Magical Ritual of Imbolc: “For Growth and Prosperity”.

Wishing you a fantastic week! May this week be a time of transformation, where you forge new, deeper, and more meaningful connections. And may every desire you plant and nurture blossom into something beautiful and strong, filling your life with joy and fulfillment.

© Elena Shuwany

Photo by Natalia Zaruchayevskaya