In Gypsy magic, working with the Moon is of great importance, and many spells and rituals are based on appeals to the Moon-Gaena, using lunar energy flows for their processes. For the new lunar month, I present to you my Lunar Story.
My conversation with the Moon will allow you to hear ancient stories from Gypsy shuwanis and introduce you to the trends of the upcoming lunar month. Listen carefully, feel deeply… the Moon is speaking to you.
In the serene silence of the winter forest, there was something extraordinary in the air. Anyone who stepped onto this forest clearing would undoubtedly feel the magic, just as Shuwany did now.
“Are miracles real?” she asked the Moon after the usual greetings.
“Are they real…” the Moon mused. “Let me tell you a story, and you can decide for yourself!”
Once upon a time, there lived a Miracle. It was small and, perhaps because of that, not very confident in itself. It dreamed of being believed in, so it wandered the world searching for someone who would believe in it.
One day, the Miracle sat by the roadside, and along came a poor man. Absentmindedly, the man stumbled over the Miracle and fell into the dirt. But as he looked closer, he saw a golden ring shimmering in the dust, adorned with precious stones! Overjoyed, the man grabbed the ring and began to dance, exclaiming, “A miracle, a miracle!”
The Miracle was delighted—finally, someone believed in it! It followed the poor man and his newfound treasure.
The man sold the ring and made a lot of money. He ate well, bought new clothes, and even repaired his old shack of a house. But as time went on, the money ran out. The man sighed and said, “No, it wasn’t a miracle, just some trivial thing.”
Hurt, the Miracle left the man.
Once again, it sat by the roadside, feeling dejected. Along came a blind man who, not seeing the Miracle, tripped over it and hit his head on a stone. But when he did, he suddenly regained his sight!
“A miracle, a miracle!” cried the man, dancing with joy.
The Miracle rejoiced—surely this time, someone would truly believe in it! It followed the once-blind man.
The man was happy for a day, maybe two. But soon, he began to see things he didn’t like: his wife was not as beautiful as he’d imagined, the streets of his town were dirty, and even the flowers, whose fragrance he had always adored, did not look as beautiful as he had envisioned.
“I was better off blind!” he exclaimed bitterly. “This so-called miracle is more of a curse than a blessing!”
The Miracle felt heartbroken and sat by the roadside again, feeling lost. It watched as a lavish carriage approached, carrying a wealthy nobleman. Suddenly, the horses spooked, and the carriage toppled into a ravine. Miraculously, not a single person was injured, even though they could have been killed.
“A miracle, what a miracle!” the nobleman exclaimed as he climbed out of the wreckage.
The Miracle felt hopeful again—surely, this was the moment someone would truly believe in it. But as soon as the nobleman got out of the ravine, he forgot all about the Miracle, consumed by his “important matters” and not even bothering to say thank you.
The Miracle grew despondent, sitting by the roadside and crying. “No matter how many miracles I perform, people are never satisfied!”
A little girl came along and saw the Miracle crying. She sat beside it and asked, “Why are you so sad?”
Surprised to be noticed, the Miracle replied honestly, “No one believes in me, and it makes me very sad.”
“And who are you?” the girl asked.
“I am a Miracle,” it replied.
“How wonderful!” the girl exclaimed. “Come with me; there’s no need for you to sit here by the road!”
“Really?” the Miracle asked in surprise. “Do you believe in me, even though I haven’t shown you any miracles yet?”
“Of course I believe in you!” said the girl. “I’ve heard so much about you! Just the other day, a poor man in our town found a miraculous golden ring on the road! And our blind neighbor suddenly regained his sight! And not long ago, a nobleman’s carriage fell into a ravine, but no one was hurt! Aren’t those miracles?”
The Miracle was overjoyed, jumping up and down in excitement. It followed the girl, and from that day on, they were inseparable. Many wonderful things happened in the girl’s life, and her dreams always came true because she never stopped believing in Miracles.
“Those who don’t believe in miracles,” said the Moon, “won’t notice them, even if they’re grand and obvious. But those who do believe—those who keep the door open for miracles—not only will they witness them, but they’ll also find that the Universe is full of wonders happening all the time!”
Lunar Spread
Order your individual “Lunar Story” spread to discover the flow of lunar energies for the upcoming month, personally tailored to you.
With the “Lunar Story” spread, you’ll be able to glimpse your personal lunar narrative and see which events and energy flows will influence you. The spread will help reveal your personal tasks and goals awaiting you at this stage of your life, as well as identify the development trends that will best support you in achieving them.
Don’t miss this chance to prepare for the future and make your lunar month more successful and mindful!

Card positions in the spread:
- The current flow — the main process of the period.
- The second flow — values.
- The third flow — events.
- The fourth flow — consciousness and unconsciousness.
- The fifth flow — emotions.
- The sixth flow — strengths.
- The seventh flow — here and now.
To book a reading, please send your name and date of birth to
Spread cost: €10.
You can receive a personal “Lunar Story” spread as a GIFT when ordering Cleansing Ritual in February
Wishing you a magical lunar month and year!
Your Elena Shuwany
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