In these final transitional days, it may feel like you’ve lost your way, wandering in a fog of uncertainty.
If your heart is filled with anxiety and doubt, if the path ahead seems unclear and you’re unsure which direction to take, now is the perfect time to pause. Don’t rush headlong into the turbulent waters or shadowy forests—take a moment to “orient yourself.” Like the joke says: “Stop frantically searching for yourself. Sit down, calm down. Think about where you last saw yourself. Chances are, that’s exactly where you are!”
This weekend’s Magical Doors open through self-acceptance and the release of emotions.
It’s important to remember that outward action isn’t always a sign of progress. Often, the most meaningful movement happens within us, as we learn to embrace ourselves with all our fears, doubts, and uncertainties. This inner transformation, though less visible, is no less powerful or significant.
Our compass in this dark, misty forest is the recognition and acceptance of our true feelings. Regret for the past, our failures, and mistakes is a heavy burden we often carry without realizing how much it weighs us down. Let go of the chains of the past—you don’t need to drag them through your entire life.
Express your feelings and emotions freely, without fear of their depth or intensity. Emotional release will lift the veil from your eyes, lighten the load on your soul, and leave you feeling freer and more open to the journey ahead!
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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