🌷❄️ Imbolc marks the time when the first signs of the approaching spring begin to show through the winter chill. It’s the moment when the Wheel of the Year starts turning towards warmth and renewal, and the cold of winter inevitably gives way to the advancing spring, bringing the awakening of life.

One of the signs of the earth awakening is the snowdrop. Beneath the still-cold ground, under a layer of snow, lies a tiny seed of change. The spring sun awakens it to life, melting the snow into water that nourishes the emerging sprout. The delicate stem breaks through the frozen earth and blooms into a bud of hope for the approaching spring. It’s no wonder that in some regions, this celebration was called the Festival of Snowdrops.

🌱🌷 The Imbolc Snowdrops Spread will guide you in understanding the changes that spring will bring into your life, what tasks this period holds for you, how you’ll handle them, what will assist you, what obstacles you may face, and ultimately, where these changes will lead.

Card Positions in the Spread:

  1. Earth — The foundation of growth, what facilitates change.
  2. Snow — What is holding back change.
  3. Seed — Your current state.
  4. Sun — The main task of the period, what nourishes the situation.
  5. Water — Internal changes.
  6. Sprout — External changes.
  7. Stem — How the task of the period will be fulfilled, the lesson learned.
  8. Flower — What the events will ultimately lead to.

To request a reading, send your name and photo to elena.shuwany@gmail.com

Spread cost: € 40 

© Elena Shuwany