The New Moon energies are swinging today between creative and destructive impulses. On one hand, it’s necessary to destroy everything that’s holding us back—fears, doubts, illusions, energetic limitations, and blocks. On the other hand, from this point of destruction, we need to tune into active forward movement.

✨ We stand at a threshold, at a crossroads in life, where paths diverge in different directions. But due to exhaustion and a loss of motivation for new actions, it’s hard to make a decision: Where to go? What to choose? Move forward or stay where we are?

The good news is that, aside from this choice and indecision, this day is also generous with energy and resources. It charges us with a new impulse to bring all our plans to life. It’s like a bonus in a game, giving us extra strength, speed, and wisdom. The key is not to waste this charge.

⚡️ Be prepared for the fact that if you continue to hesitate, situations and factors may suddenly arise that push you toward decisions and actions. This could be unexpected resistance from those you least expect. Or you might discover that there are unspoken rules no one ever mentioned. At the same time, there could also be pleasant opportunities opening unexpected paths for you.

Today, don’t doubt or overthink. Boldly destroy all obstacles and, with a new impulse—charge full speed ahead!

May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany