March, in contrast to February, becomes a month of full flow, which is logical for the first month of spring. The world awakens from winter stagnation and introspection. This is the essence of March as a month of transition and presenting oneself to society in a new, brighter light. It’s a time to conceive new projects, declare yourself, and accelerate your movement.
The spring currents cleanse the lingering effects of the past winter. So, if you feel overwhelmed by negativity and tension, you can release them through water-based practices or simple water rituals. Let go easily and learn to enjoy life, no matter what!
To highlight the energies that will guide you throughout the upcoming month, I lay out the Gypsy runes on the Wheel of Ruk and Boler. The spiritual rune of the month defines its transformational mood, while the four elemental runes reveal the flow directed by each element.
The Spiritual Essence of the Month’s Energies
The Shell Rune, with its watery currents, sweeps us up entirely and rocks us on its waves. Here, it depends on the level of personal development. Some will be supported by the universe like a feather on foamy crests, while others, resisting the incoming influence, will be tamed by the dominant element’s full power.
It’s recommended to seek inner strength in your own feelings. Learn to manage your sensations and intuition, share your mood with others, and care for your loved ones.
At the level of Air, the Sun Rune grants us strength and joy, born from clarity and understanding of what we want, what drives our desires, and where they lead us. Just as the Sun dispels darkness, our consciousness must penetrate the farthest corners of our personality to illuminate its shadowy aspects. This month demands awareness—think, desire, act, and clarify for yourself what you truly want and where your movement is directed.
At the same time, these energies allow us to find even the tiniest loopholes in the most hopeless and tense situations. February ends harshly, but gradually, everything is left behind. March is the road to a bright and mostly prosperous future.
The Moon Rune, associated with feminine magic and hidden essence, activates our inner magic and allows it to manifest in external results. To embrace the power of the Moon and work with it, surrender to your inner intuition. This will help you feel harmony and connection with the forces that govern the world. Be prepared to encounter the most peculiar whirlpools of your own perception, expect prophetic dreams, and intuition that guides you to the right solutions.
Only your own fear can hinder you from approaching your inner truth. If you overcome fear, the power of the Moon can make you omnipotent. But if you succumb to fear and uncertainty, you’ll drown in a swamp of illusions.
This month, Water will direct our feelings toward the realization of active feminine energy—constant, nurturing, giving, and warm. The energies of the Mother Rune are aimed at shaping, materializing, and creating form. This tunes us into physical sensations and interaction with the “here and now” reality of the material world.
It will be helpful to support these energies by paying attention to physical processes—whether it’s your health and appearance, beautifying and refining your living space, or your activities. Engage in creation, creativity, crafts, caring for plants, and tending to your home and family.
At the level of material manifestation, the energies of the Knife Rune are active, cleansing and propelling us toward decisive action.
By the Spring Equinox, all loose ends, debts, and energy-draining situations should be cut off. Otherwise, we’ll remain chained to our old, unsatisfying lives. Keep only what truly excites and attracts you. Trust your intuition, and you’ll see how something more significant replaces what has left.
This month is a time for the practical realization of your plans. Every step should be confident and thoughtful, and every decision—conscious and effective. Use this energy to reach a qualitatively new level, both in your personal life and professional sphere.
Let the magical energies of March awaken your feelings and breathe strength into your life. Believe in yourself, follow your intuition, and greet each day with an open heart and mind. May the Spirits of the Elements be favorable to you!
If you want to know which elements will be more pronounced in the energies of the upcoming month in your personal life and how they will influence you, order the “4 Elements” spread
© Elena Shuwany
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