In the article “Alive-Dead,” I discussed why it’s important to choose items and food with “alive,” bright, light, and warm energy. Today, I want to explore another aspect: why some objects lose their “positive energy charge” and how to deal with it?

Many homemakers are familiar with situations where food is stored correctly, following all the necessary guidelines, yet despite this—mold, bitterness, spoilage, and rot set in, rendering the product unusable and destined for the trash.

Similarly, it’s not uncommon for flowers to wilt. We often hear that if a gifted bouquet wilts quickly, it means the gift wasn’t given sincerely. But what does it mean when houseplants, which have been in their usual environment for months, suddenly start to wither?

The same happens with pets—why do our beloved animals sometimes fall ill or pass away?

Why do electrical issues, appliance malfunctions, or broken items occur in the home?

Let’s start with the premise: everything in the world is surrounded by energy, consists of energy, and is essentially energy itself.

Energy “disruptions” can refer not only to electricity but also to the subtle energies that permeate everything around us. Just as electrical circuits can “short-circuit” for various reasons, energy flows can also experience “short circuits,” “breaks,” and other disturbances that hinder the smooth movement of energy.

Smooth energy flows are felt as a state of balance, harmony, and order. “Blockages” and “breaks” are perceived as disruptions to processes that are usually smooth and steady. During moments of intense energy tension (strong emotions, psychological fluctuations), we might feel these “jolts” that disturb the even flow of energy. For example, many people with a high energy reserve might notice lights flickering (or even bulbs exploding overhead) or appliances “dying” during moments of rage. However, not all energy disruptions are tied to explosive states. Depression, sadness, or energy drain might not manifest as dramatically but can accumulate, creating “blockages” around us and disrupting balance and harmony on subtle levels.

Our homes and the objects around us seem to respond to what’s happening within us on the level of energy, emotions, and states. We don’t always pay attention to this response. Spoiled soup—blame the spoon; a wilted flower—overwatering, underwatering, or temperature issues; leaking plumbing—well, the whole building has problems; cabinet doors falling off—time to replace the furniture. Yes, there can be “simple” physical reasons for these occurrences. But what if rational analysis shows no such reasons, yet “disasters” keep happening?

At this point, it’s necessary to shift focus to yourself, your loved ones, and listen to the space around you. Somewhere, a “blockage” has formed, hindering the smooth flow of energy, and the surrounding space, saturated with your energy flows, responds to this “blockage.”

✔️ Water-related issues, in such cases, are often tied to emotional states, emotional environments, or, quite literally, the feeling of “flow.” Suppressed tears seem to drip from faucets, disorientation in life’s currents bursts through pipes and drains.

✔️ Electrical and appliance problems are linked to questions of energy, potential, and their realization, channeling into “peaceful waters.” Often, a lightbulb bursting overhead is a result of suppressed negative emotions, feelings of rage with no outlet.

✔️ Houseplants and pets can also reflect our well-being, as well as absorb external negative magical influences, processing streams of negative energy, essentially sacrificing themselves for their owner.

✔️ Breaking household items and spoiled food can be connected to grievances of household spirits, the Domovoy (house spirit), and their desire to draw your attention to the home and its processes. Sometimes this happens when, due to circumstances, we become so engrossed in other matters that we neglect the order in the house.

✔️ Moreover, dishes and food often serve as indicators of our overall state. If we’re depressed, feeling unwell, or experiencing discomfort—it’s no surprise that dishes don’t turn out well or spoil quickly. The process of cooking has always been and will remain a sacred act. Through our hands—peeling, cutting, preparing—we transfer our energy charges into the food. If we’re feeling bad, we transmit negatively charged energy. It’s no coincidence that people say you shouldn’t cry while cooking (the dish will turn bitter), that you shouldn’t cook in a bad mood or when feeling unwell, and that cooking should be done “with soul and love.”

If any of the above events are constantly present in your life, it’s worth asking—what exactly is wrong?

If you live alone, the question, of course, is directed at yourself and the processes in your life. If you live with a partner or family—then everyone connected to the home deserves attention.

The space will react most strongly to the person who invests the most energy into it. If one specific person is in charge of cleaning, cooking, and maintaining order—and the space is saturated with their energy—it’s highly likely that their energy is creating such a situation.

To understand the energy dynamics of your home and its impact on you, I recommend the “Relationship with Home” spread—a reading about you and your home, how energies intertwine and manifest in the everyday, physical, and material world. This spread will help uncover important connections and is relevant for anyone looking to fill their life with well-being.

Depending on the situation causing energy disruptions and blockages, different responses and solutions may be required.

🌿 However, the first step in any case is to cleanse both the space itself and everyone who inhabits it.
🌿 Take time for both physical and energetic cleansing, and for restoring harmony with household spirits.
🌿 To support the space’s processes until the issue is resolved (especially if it’s tied to deep personal processes that can’t be fixed in five minutes), you can perform a space harmonization ritual after cleansing.
🌿 You can also fill the home with harmonizing objects: quartz crystals, plants, flowers in vases, bells, and light candles and incense more often.

Be attentive to yourself, your loved ones, and the space around you!

© Elena Shuwany