Today, the Magical Door opens through old treasures once deemed priceless. We’re unearthing long-buried chests and can now see—in the clear light of day—what truly lies within.
Among the yellowed relics, we find familiar old scripts we follow in certain situations. Here, too, lie maps of well-worn routes we’ve taken a hundred times toward our goals, even as new paths have long since been forged around us. Nearby, carefully preserved, are the decrees of elders—teachings and rules we honor but that may no longer serve us.
In the corner lurk our favorite “rakes”—situations we stubbornly walk into, as if hoping this time will be different. Leaning not far away are crutches—support once vital but now only hindering our ability to move forward independently. And at the very bottom lie faded photographs of happy moments from the past, which we habitually sift through with nostalgia for “the good old days,” unaware of how this keeps us from living in the present.
We immerse ourselves in these things without realizing we’re feeding life into the long-rotted skeleton of the past, allowing it to dictate the terms of our present. But the true constraint isn’t the treasures themselves—it’s the shadow behind them: the invisible force of fear, habit, blind attachment. It’s not the memories that harm us, but our greedy grip—our refusal to release what was once important but now only drags us down like an anchor.
Today, sort through the contents of your chest—not just dusting off relics, but performing a true liberation ritual. Hold each item, each memory, each habit, feel its weight, and ask honestly: “Do you still serve me? Or are you just taking up space?”
Return the treasures that still warm your soul and give you strength. As for the rest—old grudges, outdated rules, useless fears, oppressive “shoulds”—thank them for their lessons and let them go.
Release your ghosts—let them finally rest! They’ve lingered too long at your back, whispering doubts in your ear, pulling you backward with their “what ifs” and “just in cases.” Their time has passed. Thank them for their service—for they truly did protect you once—and let them dissolve into the mist.
May all doors open for you!
© Elena Shuwany
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