🌞🌿 On the day of the Spring Equinox, March 20th, the entire world celebrates the resurrection of Mother Earth, the Day of the Goddess, Ostara, and the Day of the Rabbit. This year, the energies of the holiday will last until the New Moon on March 29th.

This spring festival is connected to the sun and the warming of the earth. It symbolizes resurrection and purification, the shedding of the unnecessary and the unwanted, the winds of change, renewal, and new life. Traditionally, bonfires were lit, and people would jump over them for protection from evil and cleansing. At dawn, they would wash themselves with water from a river or spring for the same purpose.

🦋 Ritual for Cleansing Negativity by Cassandra Eason

Make an infusion of lemon, peppermint, pine, or tea tree oil. Take 12 drops of the infusion per bucket of hot water. Alternatively, steep two peppermint tea bags in a cup of boiling water for five minutes. Use the resulting infusion to wash and scrub floors, yards, balconies, and porches.
Work in a counterclockwise circle, saying:

One for mirth, two for joy,
Three and four to banish sorrow,
Five, six to chase useless anger,
Seven, eight, nine—they won’t last long.
Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one—
The dark days are now gone.

  • You can strain and spray the cooled peppermint infusion to bring the freshness of spring into your home.
  • Then, to increase vitality, place a vase of spring flowers, a pot of daffodils, or hyacinth bulbs on a table in the center of the room.

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For the holiday, you can also perform other cleansing rituals, either on your own or by ordering a professional energy cleansing. https://shuwany.com/en/2024/09/rituals-for-general-cleansing-of-personal-energy/

When ordering a professional cleansing between March 20th and 29th, you will receive the “Ostara” tarot reading as a gift.

© Elena Shuwany