Growing with Ostara!
On March 20, day and night will be equal, and we will celebrate Ostara—the Spring Equinox. We’ve come a long way since the longest night of Yule, and the days are growing longer. The Equinox is the moment when daylight begins to dominate, meaning we’re getting closer to warmth, sunny days, and a period of growing strength.
When we live in harmony with nature’s cycles, the arrival of spring signifies the time for cultivating the land and beginning the sowing season, which we’ll care for over many months before reaping the harvest in autumn.
In the course “First Sowing: Ostara,” we’ll dive into the magic of this time:
- Learn the essence of the Spring Equinox, its myths, and traditions, and meet the Goddesses of spring.
- Discuss the cultural and historical aspects of the holiday, as well as its magical and energetic processes.
- Prepare and decorate our space, dye eggs, and grow the first sprouts according to ancient traditions.
- Prepare treats for ourselves, our loved ones, and the spirits of the holiday—dishes made with eggs and cottage cheese—and draw inspiration from poetry and music.
- Perform magical rituals, preparing ourselves psychologically and energetically for the new, long journey of nurturing the harvest.
- Participate in the joint Ostara ritual “Turning the Wheel.”
The course preparing for the celebration of Ostara begins on March 13 and concludes on March 20 with my magical ritual “Turning the Wheel.”
The course fee is €25. Send your participation requests to
© Elena Shuwany
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