Posts From Elena Shuwany

Rituals for General Cleansing of Personal Energy

Often, in order to bring new opportunities into our lives and fulfill our desires, we need to release ourselves from outdated ties to the past. By closing the doors to the past, we open the way to new possibilities. Sometimes these ties can be emotions, people, situations, or states that keep us stagnant. 🌀 To take this important step forward, to break the bonds and untangle the knots, it’s time

Amulet “Tree of Life”

The Great Tree of Life unites the heavens and the earth, providing nourishment with its fruits and offering shade from the scorching sun. It shelters the birds of the sky in its branches and small animals in its roots. With the beautiful immortal Phoenix bird, it carries the power of birth, rebirth, and healing within its flowers and fruits. It represents life itself, the flows of the world, the meaning

Magical Door for Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Magical Door today opens through self-care and care for your loved ones in preparation for the upcoming significant transitions. It will be helpful to engage in various types of cleansing—both energetic and physical—and to analyze and rethink how you see yourself in relation to the world. It’s crucial to clear away the lingering traces of past burdens and give yourself the opportunity to break free from the cycle of

The Fox Path “To Harmonious Relationships” Starting September 20

🌟🌓🌞 Day and night. Darkness and light. Yin and Yang. Our world is a magical unity where each of us carries a unique blend of masculine and feminine energy. This balance is the key to true harmony and success in life and relationships. Eastern philosophical teachings speak of the power of Yin (feminine/passive) and Yang (masculine/active) as the driving forces of the universe. Carl Jung, the great Western psychologist, showed

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