Posts From Elena Shuwany

“Vector” Tarot Spread for a Month or Period

At the beginning of next month, I am offering the Vector Spread, which can be used for a month ahead or for a period of three months. The Vector Spread provides a forecast for the chosen period across all areas of life, helping you identify the tasks at hand and the development trends that will aid in completing them most effectively.By revealing problem areas, trends, and growth opportunities in each

Magical Door for Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Today’s energies remain powerful, but they are no longer as sharp and harsh, opening for us a Magical Door to a more balanced movement. Today, you can look within yourself and discover the source of your strength and balance. This source is your personal wellspring of energy, nourishing you and providing support even in the most difficult times. 🌿 And now, as we move through the Eclipse Corridor, it’s time

Spell Against Enemies “Goddess as My Shield, God as My Weapon”

If someone is harming you, sabotaging your efforts, slandering, or spreading rumors, perform this ritual for protection against enemies. The ritual is performed once using a black candle after sunset. If you don’t have a black candle, you can use a regular white one and wrap its base three times with black thread. Light the candle and recite the spell: “The light will shine and dispel the darkness,Tear the veil

Gypsy Ritual “Sword of Protection”

🌘 In the midst of today’s destructive energies, many enemies and ill-wishers have become more active. This includes negative magical influences, as seen in the energy field around us, and also in the ritual work I am currently conducting. If you are facing a similar situation, I offer you powerful Gypsy rituals against enemies. They work quickly with a sharp and directed flow, acting like “emergency help” during negative attacks.

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