Posts From Elena Shuwany

Energy Support and Accompaniment Rituals

In life, there are moments when we need support and harmony, especially during key events such as medical procedures, important negotiations, interviews, court sessions, or business deals. I offer you an energy support ritual that will help bring additional harmony and strength to important events and situations, guiding you toward a successful outcome. Simply provide the date and time frame of your event, and I will send a flow of

Amulet for Wealth “Golden-Horned Bull”

The Great Golden-Horned Bull walks firmly on the earth, bringing fertility and wealth with him. He carries the Sun upon his mighty horns, and golden coins fly from beneath his hooves. Wherever he passes, there are never bad harvests or storms, and the space around him is filled with bright, sunny happiness, abundance, and prosperous life. He radiates strength and confidence — and those who touch his golden horns gain

Magical Door for Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Today’s magical door is not a door at all, but rather the World Tree. The axis upon which the Universe rests, a source of infinite energy, and the home of the spirit. It connects different worlds, allowing us to find harmony with nature and the spirit. Within each of us lies a fragment of this wisdom, and sometimes, all we need to do is lift our gaze from the ground

If You’ve Stopped Dreaming

Dreams accompany each of us throughout life. Although it is believed that we dream several times each night, sometimes it seems as though we’ve stopped dreaming altogether. Most likely, we simply don’t remember them in the morning. One of the reasons for this forgetfulness is physiological. The brain can remember dreams if awakening occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. However, if we wake up in another

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