Posts From Elena Shuwany

“Secret Paths” Wonder transformational game

After passing through Mabon, we approach the shadows of Samhain, when the boundary between worlds thins, and the connection with those who have passed becomes sharper and deeper. Secret paths open up, leading you to revelations hidden deep within the worlds. These paths guide you to the very roots, to the primordial source that nourishes you with its power and knowledge. This source is your Ancestral Connection. 🌳 Family Ties

Focus on Resources: Weekly Forecast from September 23 to 29, 2024

Although the energy of processes becomes somewhat quieter after the vibrant and intense Mabon, the upcoming week promises to be surprisingly interesting and full of favorable events. This is a time when life shines with bright colors, and even brief difficulties only serve to add dynamics and diversity to our journey. The key is to pay attention to the small, barely noticeable signals from the Universe, which hint at when

Tarot spread “Mabon”

The bright summer energies are fading, leaving us with valuable experiences and gains. The “Mabon” Tarot spread will guide you on how to use this rich harvest to your advantage. This spread will help you assess past achievements and set tasks for the near future—where to direct the resources you’ve gained, whether they’re fully realized or come as lessons. It will also reveal what you need to achieve your aspirations

Magical Door for Monday, September 23, 2024

The Magical Door today opens through spiritual transformation and connection with the subtle world. Unique opportunities emerge to change your life situation through images and knowledge that were previously hidden from you. The world reveals entirely new planes of existence before you today, offering a more refined sensitivity to everything happening in your life. 🔮 Look deeply into the problem, exploring its essence until you understand the deeper meaning of

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