Posts From Elena Shuwany


Transitions, trans-i-tions, tran-si-tions.The autumn reality, like cheese, is threaded with these ghostly passages, shadowy crossroads, secret paths, strange stairways, and unexpected doors.Like Alice, they make you change—sometimes growing to the sky, sometimes humbling and shrinking down.Rabbit holes you fall into, not because you want to, but simply because the time has come. The time of transition. I love this strange time.When the cool air trembles with constant ghostly movement.When joy

Triple Tarot Spread for Mabon

Mabon is a time to give thanks for the harvest, to say farewell to the past, and to nurture new ideas. This special celebration raises three important questions, and I invite you to explore them through the Triple Tarot Spread. Order this spread to navigate this magical period with clarity and harmony, and to inspire new beginnings! Card positions in the spread: Your Gratitude – This represents something that may

Magical Door for Friday, September 20, 2024

Today, while still reflecting the transformative influence of entering the Eclipse Corridor, we are now enveloped in the warm energies of Mabon, resonating with a completely different, soft, and harmonizing melody. The Magical Door swings open in sync with this rhythm, offering us a unique opportunity to align our lives with harmony and well-being. Today, don’t rush, but don’t hold back either. It’s important to find your unique rhythm and

Full Moon Energies

The Moon was incredibly, incredibly, incredibly powerful yesterday. Like a shockwave hitting every cell, every emotion, every connection within. And with arms wide open, with your whole body and soul, you rush to meet this wave, opening up to it, receiving and absorbing it completely, like living water. Fearing to miss even the slightest bit of this healing stream. Feeling, somewhere on the edge, that if you don’t open up

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