Posts From Elena Shuwany
🌟🌓🌞 Day and night. Darkness and light. Yin and Yang. Our world is a magical unity where each of us carries a unique blend of masculine and feminine energy. This balance is the key to true harmony and success in life and relationships. Eastern philosophical teachings speak of the power of Yin (feminine/passive) and Yang (masculine/active) as the driving forces of the universe. Carl Jung, the great Western psychologist, showed
AAfter unsuccessful and traumatic relationships, we often find ourselves with a broken heart and fears that prevent us from moving forward. The “Healing with Love” amulet will help heal your soul and open you up to a new, sensual and emotional perception of the world, aligning you with a fresh wave of love and trust.✨ 🔮 Path to New Love: The “Healing with Love” amulet tunes you into a sensual
🍂 Sometimes it takes time to return to yourself, to your dreams, your desires. Our path is not straight, and it’s easy to fall into illusions, to wander off track, get lost, and search for a long time to find your way back to what is truly yours—where your wings are, where the road itself calls you upward and forward. And when you return, you’re no longer the same. Through
The knotted “Four-Leaf Clover” is not just an amulet; it is a magical tool capable of transforming your life for the better. Each of its leaves brings luck and prosperity in different areas of your life. 🍀 Leaf for Fame:The first clover leaf makes you stand out, allowing your vibrant personality to shine. Your name will be heard everywhere, and fame will come to you instantly. 🌟 Leaf for Wealth:The