Posts From Elena Shuwany

Tarot spread “Mabon”

The bright summer energies are fading, leaving us with valuable experiences and gains. The “Mabon” Tarot spread will guide you on how to use this rich harvest to your advantage. This spread will help you assess past achievements and set tasks for the near future—where to direct the resources you’ve gained, whether they’re fully realized or come as lessons. It will also reveal what you need to achieve your aspirations

Revealing the Cards for Mabon

Your card for support during the period from Mabon to Samhain, with a small bonus message for each card (a reminder: you chose the card for yourself yesterday in a separate post). 🍎 Card #1. Blushing with Joy. The upcoming period brings joy and pleasure into your life, primarily from communication and support within your close circle—friends, loved ones, and family. This is the best time to gather together, open

Tarot spread for Mabon “Fruits of Autumn”

🍎 Another Tarot spread for Mabon – “Fruits of Autumn” – which will help you summarize the past phase of your life and understand how it defines your future path and what will aid you along the way. Card positions in the spread: What have you brought to Mabon? Where is fate leading you? How can you overcome obstacles on your path? How can you use your strengths? How can

Happy Autumn Equinox!

🍂 With the arrival of the Autumn Equinox, we feel Autumn more deeply, with its mysterious and strange pattern, interwoven with both joyful and melancholic notes, the reaping of the fruits of our year-long labor, and at the same time, bidding farewell to the blooming colors and sensations of spring and summer. We look inward more often, and as a result, initiate more changes outward. This is such a meaningful

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