Shamanic Amulet “Sweet Autumn”

The autumn leaves—golden, crimson, and vibrant—burn like a fiery bird, a phoenix, in the all-consuming flame, only to be reborn in the spring, sprouting fresh buds and fragrant flowers, proclaiming new life! Like the magical Phoenix—symbol of immortality, rebirth, and the sun—building its own funeral pyre, setting itself ablaze to be reborn from the ashes after three days. Its pyre is made from the leaves of wild cinnamon. The Phoenix

Charging Amulets with Mabon Abundance!

🍂🔮 Mabon is a special turning point on the Wheel of the Year, bringing an extraordinary flow of prosperity and abundance into our lives. To help you experience this incredible power and receive your especially magical amulet, I will be charging all ordered amulets with these magical energies during Mabon! ⏳ If you’ve been wanting to order an amulet from me, now is the perfect time! Choose the one that

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