Amulet for Wealth “Golden-Horned Bull”

The Great Golden-Horned Bull walks firmly on the earth, bringing fertility and wealth with him. He carries the Sun upon his mighty horns, and golden coins fly from beneath his hooves. Wherever he passes, there are never bad harvests or storms, and the space around him is filled with bright, sunny happiness, abundance, and prosperous life. He radiates strength and confidence — and those who touch his golden horns gain

Knotted Luck Amulet “Four-Leaf Clover”

The knotted “Four-Leaf Clover” is not just an amulet; it is a magical tool capable of transforming your life for the better. Each of its leaves brings luck and prosperity in different areas of your life. 🍀 Leaf for Fame:The first clover leaf makes you stand out, allowing your vibrant personality to shine. Your name will be heard everywhere, and fame will come to you instantly. 🌟 Leaf for Wealth:The

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