Tag "daily forecast"
Today, we celebrate the Spring Equinox—the vibrant festival of Ostara, when worlds open and new paths unfold. It is a day to saddle the dragon, tame the wild beast, and embrace your boldest dreams and plans—whatever you dare to pursue. And the Magical Door today opens through this determination, courage, and faith in yourself and in the Forces that support you from within and without. Beyond this threshold, you will
The Magical Door today opens through clear control and bringing order to your life. This day is full of multi-directional movement and open roads, and you can choose which paths to take and where the ship of your life should sail. New currents are arriving, which you can use to confidently take control of your destiny. This is the perfect time to bring clarity and order to your life, reshaping
The Eclipse Corridor brings a wave of transformation into our lives. However, its movement should not be imagined as a constant storm, overwhelming us and threatening to sink our ship. Rather, it is a series of sharp but purposeful pushes that literally propel us into a new reality. Like the birth of a child, this process occurs in powerful surges, pulling us out of our comfort zones of established thinking
Today’s energy unites several powerful streams—the promising Eclipse Corridor, the approaching Ostara, and, surprisingly, the lingering influence of the Seed Moon. Like a round golden coin in the sky, it continues to generously shine upon us, illuminating and enriching us with its strength and abundance. And the Magical Door opens, filled with treasures—not only those earned through past efforts and merits but also gifts freely given for the future.